Mom Talk with Adena from Decorette Kids' Interiors

In a few sentences (we know you don’t have much time!) tell us about yourself and your little one…

Hello! My name is Adena and I'm a mama and decorator living in Toronto. My 18-month baby girl, Lilly, is my absolute everything! After my maternity leave, I left the world of digital marketing (where I worked as the digital editor at House & Home and the marketing manager at pillow haven Tonic Living) to launch my own interior design business.

Fill us in on everything we should know about your new business, Decorette Kids' Interiors: 

Decorette Kids' Interiors is a children's interior design studio specializing in creating whimsical, enchanting spaces that ignite the magic of making memories and encourage imaginations to run free. I design everything from nurseries to playrooms, kids' bedrooms and even family rooms! Really, any place that needs to function for family life. My approach is sophisticated-meets-playful; it's fun enough for kids and stylish enough for the parents to enjoy, too! I strive to create spaces for my clients (and their minis) that are as beautiful as the memories they will create in them.


What is one thing you couldn’t live without as a mom?
(your ultimate must-have!)

Oh my gosh there are so many. But if I have to pick just one (other than my husband!), I'm so grateful for our nursery. We've spent so much time there since Lilly was born, feeding, changing, rocking to sleep, reading and playing. To have a special space that feels calm, happy and joyful amidst the magical chaos of parenthood has been a real blessing.

What are your Lilly’s current faves? 
(if it suddenly disappeared tomorrow - there would for sure be tears!)

Her loveys! She has two: bunny and kitty. We gave them to her when she was about 9 months old, and now she's obsessed and can't go to sleep without them. It's really sweet. We play this game before nap and bedtime where we look for them, because they're usually strewn about somewhere in the house. We say "Looooviieees, Loooooviiieeesss!" until we find them. She gets so excited when we do, cuddles into me and is ready to go to sleep.

What are three things that you take everywhere with you … 
(diaper bag essentials - besides diapers!)

Snacks, water, and wipes. With these three things handy, we're ready for just about anything!

Book Club

What is your favourite children’s book?
(a childhood fave or a post children discovery)

My favourite children's book is Miss Rumphius, a beautifully illustrated story about a girl who grows up and honours her promise to her grandfather to make the world a more beautiful place. The lesson stuck with me into adulthood and has helped shape me into who I am today. Lilly loves reading it together and I hope it does the same for her.

What are your child's favourite books? 
(bet you can recite from memory!)

The Magic Bunny (yes, I know every word)
Murmel, Murmel, Murmel by Robert Munsch (this is a fun one!)
Goodnight, Moon (the ultimate classic, it's so soothing)
Yum Yummy Yuck (I discovered this one through The Mom Lists and it's been a big hit!)

Mini Style

What are your favourite places to shop for your babe?
(mostly online these days I’m sure!)

Shopping for Lilly brings me so much joy! I love supporting local brands, like Minissentials, MRLO, Little Threads Co. and Bubba's & Mama's. I can also always rely on Zara and H&M, they're killin' it with the kids' fashion these days!

What children’s clothing brand do you wish they made in your size?
(because let’s face it, we’ve all once thought “I wish this came in my size!”)

Rylee & Cru... and luckily, they do make my size! I love the dreamy prints and muted colours. I splurged on a matching mommy + me outfit for Lilly's first birthday and am so impressed with the quality and wearability. The skirt is my favourite wardrobe item and I can wear it everywhere from the park to date night. They also recently teamed up with Lulu and Georgia on a line of wallpaper... swoon!

Mom Talk

What advice would you tell your pregnant self?
(if only you knew then..)

I would tell my 41-week pregnant self to enjoy all those hours sitting, waiting, wishing for baby to come. I was so over being pregnant by that point and just wanted to meet our girl! Little did I know just how much things were about to change when she finally arrived. It's true that nothing can fully prepare you... for motherhood, for the love you will feel for your baby, for how hard it will be, for all the joy it will bring you, for all of it!

As a working mom, how do you find “balance” between work and motherhood?
(really is there such a thing?)

I heard the advice from a very smart business woman to strive for work-life integration, not work-life balance. This really stuck with me! Being an entrepreneur, there is no true separation from work and life. Setting clear boundaries between work and mom-duty has been essential for me, but I try not to stress if they get blurred. Also, I'm learning to get better at asking for help when I need it!

Who is your momspiration?
(it can be more than just one because there are so many superstars out there!)

My own mom, who was the ultimate working mom and still managed to have dinner on the table every night. My mother-in-law, who raised four incredible boys. My amazing sisters-in-law and mom friends. I am so in awe of each and every one of them!

What has been your pandemic saviour?
(we need all the sanity tips!)

My home! I'm lucky it's a place I love to be :)

Follow Adena on Instagram: @decorettekids and visit their shop website:
